
The UK has six native species of reptile which are common lizard (Zootoca vivipara), slow worm (Anguis fragilis), adder (Vipera berus), grass snake (Natrix helvetica), sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) and smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). Sand lizard and smooth snake are considered to be rare reptile species. Sand lizard is generally only found in North Wales and Southern England. Smooth snake populations are restricted to Southern England. The remaining native reptiles species are found across Britain.


Ecological Services Ltd can offer a range of surveys where there are potential impacts to reptiles. We are are able to undertake terrestrial surveys for reptiles and help design and implement a variety of mitigation strategies to suit our clients requirements.

Please contact us for tailored quote.



Sand lizard and smooth snake are European protected species and are protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulation 2017. In summary, they are protected from:

  • Deliberate capture, killing and injuring,

  • Deliberate disturbance of a breeding site or resting place,

  • Deliberate taking or destroying of eggs,

  • Damage or destruction of a breeding site or resting place.

Reptile such as the slow worm, common lizard, adder and grass snake are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(as amended). They are protected from killing, injuring and sale. In Wales sand lizard, smooth snake, adder, grass snake, slow worm and common lizard are listed in section 7 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 which makes them a key species to sustain and improve biodiversity.



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