Mitigation/ Protected Species Licensing/Discharge of Planning

Ecological Services Ltd can help with a variety of mitigation needs for your projects.

Mitigation strategies can be required where there are impacts to statutory and non statutory protected sites. We can help devise strategies to ensure there is no net loss to biodiversity and or habitat loss. This can include:

  • On site or off site mitigation

  • Agreeing suitable mitigation sites

  • Liaison with relevant parties to ensure proposed mitigation is suitable

  • Ecological management plans to ensure future suitability of the site for species or habitat

A number of ecological conditions can be added to a planning permission granted for a development. These conditions need to be discharged to meet the requirements of a planning consent. We can help with a broad variety of work required to discharge planning conditions including, but not limited to, lighting strategies, mitigation strategies and on site ecological enhancements.

We can also offer assistance taking clients through the development or conservation licence process. A licence may be required from a statutory authority such as Natural Resources Wales (NRW) if a plan or project is having an impact on a protected species. We can help apply for and supervise a variety of licence work.

Please contact us for tailored quote.



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